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    Liver Transplant

Liver Transplant


Liver transplant is an operation that replaces patient’s diseased liver with a whole or partial liver from another person. The donor liver can be from a deceased or a living donor.The diseased liver is removed through an incision in the upper abdomen and the new liver is put in place and attached to the blood vessels of the recipient. The procedure takes up-to 12hrs to complete. Patients are required to stay for 3-4 weeks after the liver transplant. After  the surgery, patients receive immuno-suppresents to prevent rejection of the organ.

The Hospital has all state of art facilities capable of working 24x7. the transplant team has the distinction of being one of the most experienced in the region. The  team members have been trained in the best centers in the world. A typical transplant ICU has separate cubicles with laminar flow. The post transplant patients on immunosuppressive are immensely helped in their recovery following surgery by unique design.

Who requires a liver transplant ?

  • Liver damage due o alcoholism
  • Long term active hepatitis B or C
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis
  • Chronic lover disease due to HCC
  • Birth defects of liver or bile duct
  • Acute liver failure
  • Metabolic diseases (Wilson’s disease, Hemachromatosis).

Who can donate ?

Doctors, transplant coordinators and other health care professionals who form the liver transplant team select the best living donor.

  • The  donor is evaluated by the authorization committee.
  • Potential donors are:-
  • Close or first degree relative
  • Having compatible blood type
  • Over all good health and physical condition
  • Be older than 18yrs and younger than 55yrs
  • Must be free from hepatitis, HIV, any drug addiction, alcohol abuse, cancer

Who needs liver transplant ?

  1. Acute liver failure

Also known as fulminant liver failure , occurs when liver suffers massive injury resulting in clinical signs and symptoms.

Causes include acetaminophen overdose, viral infections, mushroom poisoning, idiosyncratic drug reactions.

These patients are listed as highest priority (STATUS 1), placing them on the top of the list.

  1. Chronic liver failure

Liver has the capacity to regenerate but repeated insult to liver over many years scars the liver permanently. The end stage of scarring is termed as cirrhosis and is the point when liver no longer regenerates itself.

This is termed as “de-compensated liver disease”.


Dr Neerav Goyal
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