• Department



Introduction: Mankind has been plagued by a universal problem: “PAIN”. No caste, no creed, no religion, no race, no colour and no status have been immune to pain. Such was the relevance of pain, that, in medieval times, it was considered as one’s destiny. The suffering of the parturients was accepted as “God’s Curse” for the “First Sin” by Eve.

Remedies like Opium, Alcohol, Mandragora and Magical potions were tried, but the dark ages of “Pain and suffering” continued unabated.

With the advent of Diethyl Ether or “Ether” the “Dawn of Analgesia and Anaesthesia” arrived on 16 th October 1846 (Now celebrated as “World Anaesthesia Day”). Many pioneers toiled, suffered and regaled in achieving success, during this progress in the conquest of pain and suffering.

Now Anaesthesiology has crossed the stiffeling boundaries and closed confines of Operation Theatre (O.T) and Anaesthesiologists have made tremendous progress as Intensivists (in Critical Care Units), Pain Specialists, Resuscitation specialists/ Triage experts in casualty/ ICU. Their expertise is also required in Radio-diagnosis (for CT, MRI, Dark room procedures), Cardiac catheterization laboratories. Psychiatry (for Electro-Convulsive therapy, Narco-Analysis and Suggestion therapy), Radio-therapy (for Implant placement, Brachy-therapy and Irradiation) and in Respiratory therapy units (for initiation and maintenance of artificial ventilation).

Even in O.T. because of advances in Anaesthesia techniques, refinement in surgical techniques, availability of various potent and safer drugs, monitoring devices and increased demands with opening of various surgical super specialties has enabled the consultant Anaesthesiologist to have “Super Specialist” expertise in peri-operative management of patients.

So our department strives to achieve a perfect balanced equilibrium in providing services, Postgraduate and Undergraduate training, and exploring the frontiers of Research!

Services rendered: Anaesthesiology as a specialty at present has evolved into widely encompassing areas of patient care with very rapid advances especially in last two decades. In addition to this primary area the Specialist Anaesthesiologist is playing multiple roles viz: As an Intensivist in critical care, Pain specialist for acute, chronic pain, Resuscitation in casualty, ICU, and other sensitive areas. In addition his expert advice and services are needed in radiology for C.T, M.R.I, dark room procedures, cardiac catheterization laboratories, in psychiatry -Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT), in Radiotherapy, for cobalt therapy &branchy-therapy, in Respiratory Therapy Units for sustenance of artificial ventilation and Ventilator Therapy. Even in operation theatre, because of advances in anaesthesia techniques, refinement in 'surgical techniques, availability of various potent drugs, monitoring devices and increased demands with opening of various surgical super-specialties, has enabled the consultant anaesthesiologist to have super specialized expertise in the peri-operative management.

Anaesthesia: Providing Anaesthesia for all types of surgeries in all age groups in patients with all co-morbidities. This includes all the specialties as well as Super Specialties inclusive of Gen. Surgery, Orthopedics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Obst & Gyane & all super specialties like Paediatric, Plastic, Neuro, Gastroenterology, Urology & IVF.

Intensive Care: Providing definitive with supportive treatment (including cardiovascular & ventilatory support) to all critically ill patients including post-operative and trauma cases. This is the ONLY ICU in Malwa where consultants Anesthesiologists are present 24×7 round a Clock in the ICU giving their expertise.

Pain Management: Our pain clinical caters to patients with various chronic pain syndromes. We provide Interventional and Pharmacological Management for all Chronic Pain syndromes.

Emergency/ Resuscitative Care: Round the clock, 24 hours on-call availability of trained anesthesiologist for intubation & resuscitation in emergency department, in “Rapid Response Mode. No other hospital can provide such high level care.



Dr. Minnu Panditrao
D.A, M.D
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Dr. Mridul Panditrao
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Dr. Mohammed Tauquir Zeya
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Dr. Sham Sunder Goyal
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Dr Upinder Kaur
D.A, D.N.B
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Dr. Ankush Singla
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Dr. Shilpa Bansal
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Dr. Ashu Gargi
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Dr. Ishan
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Dr. Chandni Maheshwari
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Dr. Ravinder Kaur
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Dr. Usha Devi
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Dr. Garima Jindal
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Dr Priyanka Bhateja
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Dr Inayat Garg
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Dr Brijesh Garg
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Dr Bhanupreet
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Dr Taniya Bansal
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